Poemes a 4 strophes
Poemes a 4 strophes

poemes a 4 strophes

Gallen und Reichenau – Ähnlichkeiten und Verschiedenheiten’. Several manuscripts written in Alemannic minuscule previously assumed to have been copied at Sankt Gallen have recently been attributed to Reichenau see Maag, N., Alemannische Minuskel (744–846 n.Chr.): Frühe Schriftkultur im Bodenseeraum und Voralpenland, Quellen und Untersuchungen zur Lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters, 18 ( Stuttgart, 2014 Google Scholar), Part III: ‘St. Bischoff, ‘Panorama der Handschriftenüberlieferung aus der Zeit Karls des Großen’, MS III, pp.

poemes a 4 strophes

Bernhard Bischoff underlined these difficulties, while pointing to the utility of the Sankt Gallen charters for determining relative chronology given the proximity between charter scripts and the bookhand at Sankt Gallen: see the summary provided in B. S.’, Scriptoria medii aevi Helvetica III: Schreibschulen der Diözese Konstanz – St. Bruckner, ‘Die Bibliothek und Schreibschule St. Jahrhunderts’, Palaeographia Latina, 6 ( 1929), pp. 285–95 Google Scholar.ġ6 Foundational studies of scripts used at Sankt Gallen and Reichenau highlighted the particular difficulty of distinguishing between the work of the two centres around the turn of the century on purely palaeographical grounds: see, especially, Löffler, K., ‘ Die Sankt Galler Schreibschule in der 2. M., The Abbey of St Gall as a Centre of Literature and Art ( Cambridge, 1926), esp. For an early expression of the view that Sankt Gallen was a centre for all the liberal arts with a ‘golden period’ from the second half of the ninth century onwards that reached its zenith during the abbacy of Salomo (890–920), see Clark, J.

poemes a 4 strophes

Gallens und der Reichenau unter den Karolingern und Ottonen’, Neue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum, Geschichte und deutsche Litteratur und für Pädagogik, 5 ( 1900), pp. The complementary notion that there was a school of poetry at Sankt Gallen was fully articulated by the turn of the twentieth century see von Winterfeld, P., ‘ Die Dichterschule St. Gallens vom achten bis zwölften Jahrhundert: Ein Beitrag zur Gesangsgeschichte des Mittelalters ( Einsiedeln and New York, 1858) Google Scholar. Finally, it is suggested that Iso’s advice to Notker that singulae motus cantilenae singulas syllabas debent habere was at least partly informed by the existing tradition of sung versus at both abbeys.ħ The idea that there was a ‘song school’ at Sankt Gallen crystallised as early as the mid-nineteenth century see Anselm Schübiger, P., Die Sangerschüle St. Witnesses to the song culture of Sankt Gallen in the first half of the ninth century are re-examined and a leading role during this period for the nearby Abbey of Reichenau is proposed. The poetic section of the Leiden manuscript is accordingly understood as a collection of songs, which prompts reflection on the way in which earlier sung versus at Sankt Gallen may have provided models for the later Liber ymnorum. It is newly proposed that Prudentius’ verse from the Liber Peristephanon was arranged into a liturgical cycle. The predominantly Merovingian accentual Latin verse ( rhythmi) and metrical verse by the late-antique poet Prudentius (his Liber Cathemerinon and Liber Peristephanon) were written out in song forms. the second part of Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek Vossianus Lat.

poemes a 4 strophes

New light is shed on the song culture of Sankt Gallen almost a century before its earliest notated sources through consideration of the poetic section of a manuscript copied at the Abbey shortly after the year 800, i.e.

Poemes a 4 strophes